Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Propaganda is a group or individuals way of spreading ideas in order to persuade others. Propaganda is a technique used widely throughout the world to persuade billions of people to do and think certain things. Propaganda has been used to spread ideas about races, cultures, religions, sexuality and plenty other individual beliefs and traits. Both of these pictures to me, are perfect examples of propaganda used during WWII. The picture on the left is propaganda in order to persuade anyone of Christian beliefs that the Bible is the enemy of the Nazi regime and anyone who would like to survive under it. I also feel that while the approach some propaganda may take is not always subtle or politically correct, it is not all bad. The picture on the right is an example of propaganda with a more positive-ish message. This was also propaganda used during WWII but this particular propaganda was used to encourage the soliders fighting in the war to have safe sex. However some might argue that this piece of propaganda spreads the message that all prostitutes have STD's. In my opinion all propaganda is not bad, however it is most used to spread ideas that negatively represent a group, individual, or set of ideas.

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