Tuesday, October 11, 2011


When I think of propaganda I think about the advertisements we see on television. I think of alcohol, condom, and medicine commercials. I think about how they send out the message that these things should be bought immediately and used to have the time of our lives, to have an amazing time with your boyfriend or spouse, or to take certain pills to make life easier, or less painful. I am not opposed to drinking, condoms or medicine, but the way the message is delivered bothers me some times. I believe there are some people out there, some that I know for a fact that believe drinking should be a daily activity because they are reminded how great it makes you feel, or the people I have met that have sex with people they barely know because they have condoms. These commercials make it seem like its okay to do something that isn't normal.
However, I do believe in good propaganda. Although I do not read the bible as much as I did when I was younger, the Bible in my opinion is propaganda, good propaganda. The Bible uses the stories to teach people how to be good, how to share, be loving, have good morals. I think this is the propaganda that I look for, I try not to find the negative messages, I think we are all well aware, or I believe I am for the most part when someone is trying to convince me of something that I didn't ever believe in before.
Therefore, I believe that any message good or bad is up to me and how I want to perceive it. I have stand by that, whether it be commercials, politics, or war.
Rachel DeRosa

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