Tuesday, October 25, 2011


As Whitney Houston stated before she went off the deep:

"I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way."

Yes. Right. The kids. What are we teaching/telling kids about politics and the day to day events of the world? No adult outside of government class in high school asked my opinion on the Gulf War, what I thought OJ Simpson's verdict meant to society or if English should be voted as the official language. Where were the grown ups or classes to ignite and cultivate a desire in me to become a responsible citizen, a person capable of criticizing and activating the environment around myself?

But who wants to bring up old, messed up shit? I admit its never the topic of discussion when I'm around kids. I want to ask about their dreams. Tell them how they can reach for the stars. Nobody wants to be Debbie Downer with the trials of the world. But kids are apart of this system just as much as I am, in my limited understanding of it all. And they should be told the truth. Given the facts. Taught how to decipher information. Be asked to explain themselves. We have to be the ones who do this for them. Hell, they might surprise us. Give us insight. Show us a different perspective.

As adults we have to remember to include children in the discussion and interpretation of our society and government because they will be the ones running the shit when we get too old to do anything about it.

What have your told your sibling today?

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