Sunday, October 9, 2011

Propaganda in our shitty society.

It is important we go back to World War II, this war that had amazing propaganda being posted all over the world. If you pay attention to Propaganda through out time you realize new ideas inherit, new ideas moderated.
Propaganda uses fear and loyalty to attack the people.
In Germany propaganda posters were put up to portray fear, and example is this poster in which it said if you join us the Reich will never destroy. This influences

people by using a terror tactic. With using the either or tactic as well, they are giving the people only two choices either joining them or basically they are fucked.

From this era Propaganda for women's rights were becoming to be popular. An example of this is Rosie the Redditor in which created a strong female figure for other women who all they did is believe that they had to stay home, watch the children, provide food, shelter, and wait for the men to come home, this is what they called helping fight in war.

Propaganda developed through out the years from influencing people to fight for their country, to people fight for their rights. Now in days propaganda is all around us. Everyday we see images that affect the way we think and make us question things. A famous way people are influenced and I believe that the new propaganda for our generation or in this time period in general is advertisements.

We are bombarded by these images now in days. We have a new set of expectations, for example we are use to having everything (produce) in a massive quantity and a fast speed. Technology has made everything go faster we get tired of waiting for things, our tolerance and patience level are low. Society has made us robots. We are now in a quick speed all the time because we have work, school, work, and many other things, that we have no time to breathe. Society has train us to go in a fast pace because no one wants to wait. We as Americans don't like waiting why do you think instead of sitting down and waiting for a ten dollar stake that is good for you, we instead go to MC Donald's and have a shitty burger that hurts our system, because is FAST and CHEAP. Two words that Americans love.

Propaganda affects us all it makes us inferior and objectify, because the images are being thrown at us with out knowing what we are doing it goes in fast pace that we don't get enough time to think about what the true intention is, which most of the time it wants to brain wash. What we need to do is always take step by step and think about things read between the lines and think about what is beyond the surface. Maybe that will help our society be well informed and aware of what people do to make us inferior.

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