Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One thing that really stood out to me was this one quote

"Artists who produce work that they know is not favored by our established regime are not necessarily taking risks, since they can forecast the results. Truly taking a risk means not knowing what's going to happen in the end."

To me when I first read this quote, I had to reread it again. This was it! This is what risk is at the peak. By doing something ridiculous and knowing people will react in a certain way about it isn't much of a risk, though it may seem like a risk because it doesn't happen everyday. The Greater Risk would probably be doing something you have no idea what kind of reaction would come into play. Something to surprise the community but also yourself. Overall what I took from this text was the underlying question in my Art and how I perceive others. Am I going to let Art surprise me and Willingly allow it?

One other thing I found interesting about the text was the stance on Welfare and how I believe the author perceived it to be in a way a waste. Which actually reminded me of a discussion I had with my teacher one time about the Homeless in America. I asked my teacher if he would give a dollar to the Homeless when they asked? He sort of took a pause and said, "Sometimes. Some days I do and some days I don't. But you know what I find interesting, the days I do give them a dollar, I find most of the time I really just feel like I lost a dollar and less like I helped someone. I mean if you look at the way food stamps work they are supposed to help the lower class get out but they seem to rely on it now. The system isn't working if it did we wouldn't have food stamps still." More of a Capitalist point of view but I thought the point was intriguing.

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