Friday, September 30, 2011

Austin Antoine

From Austin: 

After doing this reading I have come to the realization that artist's
canNOT work with the sense of wanting to impress anyone, and should
make sure their work is seen by the group they want. In the end there
will always be someone who sees, is displeased, and will spread word
to many about how much they disliked the work overall. A great mental
image that came to me after seeing the rippling effect is the thought
of a child (loosely). A child is raised on opinions from figures of
authority(parents, teachers, coaches,etc..) and will grow to form
their own opinions based on the perception they've molded together,
even though it's well known that the best way to learn about something
is through first hand experience. So in the end, unless the child is
an innovative person that actually starts something that can be judged
later, he/she will never know for certain if he really understands
anything, there is only opinion.
In the end the main goal as an artists is to have someone see your
true intention and be affected by it.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I totally agree. There's the great Einstein quote, "“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” which your post reminded me of as well as Harry Chapin's, "Flowers are red."


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